LAKE OF THE OZARKS, Mo. — After a record-breaking run on Saturday of Lake of the Ozarks Shootout, Vision Marine Technologies did it again on Sunday... even faster.
On Saturday of the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout, Vision Marine's twin-engine electric-powered catamaran ran a stunning 104 mph. Then on Sunday, it hit 109 mph.
The unique 32-foot catamaran was equipped with cutting-edge twin electric outboard engines, and made a stunningly fast — and quiet — run down a 3/4-mile race course as thousands of boaters watched. The boat was clocked at 109 mph on Sunday, much faster than the current official world record for speed in an electric engine powered boat: 88.62 mph. That record was set by a Jaguar V20E boat, on a lake in Cumbria, England, in 2018. Sunday’s speed will not be certified as official in the Guinness World Records, however, due to race course and speed equipment requirements.
Vision Marine says they’re striving “to change the boating industry,” and their hope was that a major splash at the Shootout — like the one they made on Sunday — would help propel more interest in their technology.
This run more than doubled the speed Vision Marine hit last year with an all-electric Bruce 22 boat. The Bruce turned heads by attaining a speed of 49 mph, which at the time, marked the Bruce 22 as the world’s fastest production electric boat. But after just a year of innovation, Vision Marine has more than doubled their own world record speed.
The secret to record-breaking speed is in the twin application of Vision Marine’s groundbreaking E-Motion™ 180E powertrain system, The E-Motion™ is, by a considerable margin, the most powerful electric outboard produced for scale thus far. Vision points out other electric engines have been low-voltage, low-power, and therefore low overall performance.