Vision Marine To Attempt Record 100MPH Run With Electric Boat At Lake Of The Ozarks Shootout
The Lake of the Ozarks Shootout is nearly here, and this year, Vision Marine Technologies will return with an ambitious goal: achieving a speed of 100 mph, in an electric powerboat. Success would establish a new world speed record for an electric boat.
The Shootout is a unique annual powerboat racing event, where boaters from all around the world compete to show off just how fast their boats can go. In Vision Marine’s case, it’s the chance to showcase their disruptive and innovative fully electric powertrain technology. The Shootout draws an estimated 100,000 attendees annually, most of whom are boaters, and the event is also streamed online, across the world.
At the 2021 Shootout, Vision Marine co-founder Patrick Bobby took the helm of a sleek, all-electric Bruce 22 boat, a 22-foot vessel designed and manufactured by Vision Marine. The Bruce was powered by Vision Marine’s proprietary E-Motion™ 180E (180 hp) electric outboard motor and powertrain system. Despite unusually warm temperatures (which tend to diminish battery efficiency), Vision Marine turned heads by attaining a speed of 49 mph, which marked the Bruce 22 as the world’s fastest production electric boat. This shattered Vision Marine’s own previous record of 31 mph, set at the 2019 Shootout (achieved with a third party motor).
Next week, Vision Marine returns to the Ozarks with a uniquely designed 32-foot Vision catamaran. The Catamaran will be equipped with a twin application of Vision Marine’s groundbreaking E-Motion™ 180E powertrain system. The E-Motion™ is, by a considerable margin, the most powerful electric outboard produced for scale thus far. Vision points out other electric engines have been low-voltage, low-power, and therefore low overall performance.